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Howdy, E'erypony!


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About Myself: A new colt 'round here

How I found Canterlot.com: searching for MLP RP

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: On a dare/bet...

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Rainbow Dash
Howdy E'erypony,

I'm new 'round these parts and just wanted to stick my head in to say "hi" and be all friendly-like. This seems like a real nice place, and I'm looking forward to some fine company and great role-playing with my fellow pony-lovers. I became a Brony a few months back, after making a bet with a friend of mine who was already part of the Herd. Y'see, he made an agreement to help me out in Lord of the Rings Online if I would watch 6 episodes of MLP.

So, I did...

...and I liked it. At first, I didn't want to admit it, but as I watched more and more I really liked like. But, I was a shamed, and hid my love. Now, I've always been proud of being me, so I just said to hay with them and embraced my bronyism. Now, I got the wife turned on to ponies and we're both charging headlong across Equestria devouring all things MLP!

Glad to meet all of you!

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