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Some New Feathers About


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I would love to meet some new ponies. I'm a newly come out brony, so this is the first time I'm posting anything mlp related to the internet. Also, any education on being a brony would be appreciated, teach me how to trot with the herd!

... thunderstorms. They're my favorite <3 I take pride in my weather systems, it's my art, and I always want to create the biggest and the best! It's also my job to race ahead of my storms and warn everypony of what's coming their way. So if you see me, know that you're probably going to get wet (;

Edited by ThunderFlashPony
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DA flooded with pony images... Yep, sounds about right :) Thunderstorms are nice to watch, imho... but anyways, did you just ask for education on being a brony? Well, you see, the great thing about being a brony is.... well... There isn't really a defined rule! Like ponies, be nice, and have fun, pretty much! Nice and easy :D Welcome to Canterlot, and have a great time here ^_^

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