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Autumn Storm FINAL


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Roleplay Type: Equestria Role Play

Name: Autumn Storm

Sex: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Eye Color: Brown-Orange

Coat Color: Deep Redish-Brown

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: His mane and tail are a deep orange, and are of a medium length. He has a tan snout, and tan hooves.

Physique: He is of a heavier build than most Pegasus males due to having an Earth Pony father, and definitely resembles a farm stallion.

Cutie Mark:Three leaves in different shades of orange.

Origin/Residence: Born and raised in Canterlot, but living on a farm outside of Ponyville

Occupation: Farm-Hand at Green Spirit Farm

Motivation: Finding out who he really is.


  • Farming
  • His New Family on Green Spirit Farm
  • Playing in the Dirt


  • Making Weather
  • Being Vulnerable
  • Closed-minded Ponies

Character Summary:

Autumn as born in the regal city of Canterlot to a pegasus mother and an earth pony father. He was always a rowdy little colt, and when he was old enough his mother sent him to live in Cloudsdale. She was hoping he would learn how to be a weather pegasus like her father. He was miserable in his new home, and only enjoyed bringing autumn weather to the ponies of Equestria. It was during the organization of a rather nasty autumn storm over Manehattan when he earned his cutie mark. It was the first storm he had ever been in charge of, and he set everything off without a hitch. The winds blew, the rain fell, and all of the leaves were scattered throughout the streets.

Nothing made him happier than seeing the towns and cities of Equestria robed in fall colors. When the mentors of the young pegasi congratulated the team on a job well done, his cutie mark appeared, and he felt that he had finally fit in with the others. This was short lived however, as the winter weather began to be called for, and his beautiful autumn leaves were scattered.

By the time Autumn was a stallion, he had grown very tired of making weather; and as a result he was slacking off at his job. One day the pegasi elders said enough was enough, and fired the colt. He sadly flew home to Canterlot expecting being greeted with rage from his mother. A royol officer at the gate of Canterlot noticed his grief, but couldn't leave his post to see what was the matter.

Autumn returned home, and explained what had happened. As he expected, his mother threw a fit. She even went as far as kicking him out of her house. The young stallion walked the streets of Canterlot as night fell, and the guard from before saw the young colt was still in distress. He approached him, and asked if there was anything he could do to help. Autumn explained all that had happened to the caring guard as they sat in a lush garden; and by the end of the story, the guard was holding a shaking and crying Autumn.

It wasn't long before the older stallion was nuzzling Autumn and trying to dry his tears. After nearly half an hour, Autumn's mother appeared on the scene. She felt bad for what she had said; but when she came upon the two stallions together, her screaming called more of the Royal Guard to the park. The unicorn guard told him to get out of Canterlot before they caught him. Autumn flew as fast as he could, and he got away from the guards that were tailing him. He flew, and flew until he collapsed under a large peach tree from exhaustion.

The next morning the owners of the farm where Autumn had collapsed came out, and nursed the exhausted stallion back to health. He has been living with them ever since, and has become a farm hand. He loves his work, and still takes great pleasure in the autumn; but this time it is because of the harvest, and wonderful holidays mingled with the fall scenery.

Autumn is a a fun-loving but very sensitive pony. He is slightly nervous around new people, but he warms up quickly; especially if they are friendly. He doesn't have many friends, and mostly stays on the farm, but he is friendly when he goes to market. Whenever trouble comes his way, he tends to overreact; and he is easily stressed.

Autumn Storm:


Cutie Mark:


Images updated 5/27/12

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Looking over this, what you've got for his life story is pretty well fleshed out, but I think he's currently a little lacking in personality.

What's it like to interact with him? How does he think about and perceive things? What are his flaws?

Getting these things answered would help further define your character and make him feel more complete.

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My only nitpick is him changing the leaves with the storm he made. I would have said that he scattered the colorful leaves already on the trees during his storm. We don't see ponies changing the actual color of the leaves, even in the Running of the Leaves. However, this is a minor tweak and will not hold the application back.


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My only nitpick is him changing the leaves with the storm he made. I would have said that he scattered the colorful leaves already on the trees during his storm. We don't see ponies changing the actual color of the leaves, even in the Running of the Leaves. However, this is a minor tweak and will not hold the application back.


That was actually my original idea, but I figured he was bringing fall instead of continuing it. I'll edit it as necessary ^.^

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