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Wickedquill [Final]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Wickedquill

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Coat Color: Cream and brown pinto, cream being the dominant color

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane sweeps forward and favors the right side, short on the back of the neck. Tail is long and fluffy. Both mane and tail appear wild and unkempt at worst, untamed at best. Both are dominantly brown with one or two stripes of cream coloring through them.

Eye Color: Silver

Cutie Mark: A scroll and quill, both representing her love for the written word and her own talent for making stories.

Physique: Slightly taller than average, slim and lithe. Due to a rather laidback lifestyle, she's not very muscular or athletic, but makes up for it in grace.

Origin: Cloudsdale

Occupation: Scribe and Messenger

Motivation: To sell her books, keep her messenger business alive, and live comfortably.

Likes: Tea, Books, Reading, Writing, Griffons, Bustling Cities, Art, Cats, and Staying up late

Dislikes: Loud and Distracting Noises, Empty Landscapes, Bad Puns, Spicy Foods, Physical Labor (beyond flying from place to place while carrying heavy books), Stuck up Snobs, and Fancy Parties

Character Summary: History- Growing up in Cloudsdale, born to two renowned weather Pegasi with a brother following in their hoofsteps, Wickedquill always came off as the odd one out. In flight skills she was always average and never seemed interested in anything weather-related unless it was inside a book. Her brother always defended her and put an end to any teasing, but she was smart enough to know any typical Pegasus role simply wasn't her thing. When it was determined she wouldn't be a productive member of Cloudsdale, she got stuck with foalsitting the younger pegasi and foals. She earned her cutie mark during her foalsitting days and found her true calling in life. When she was old enough, she struck out on her own to figure out how to put her talent to good use.

Wickedquill ended up in Ponyville and got a job working with the mailmares where she learned how to refine her trade while saving up money for herself. In her spare time and with some extra money, she wrote two stories, but neither sold well anywhere outside Ponyville. Pride demanded she reach out and find out what genre was 'in', so with what money she'd saved up, she moved to the heart of trend setting, Canterlot. Knowing she was far behind on the book trends, she set up camp in Canterlot to keep up to date and write her stories accordingly. To keep money flowing, she started a personal messenger service, earning enough to officially set up shop in Canterlot as a scribe and messenger. Though not at all a famous author, her stories are sold anywhere with a bookstore and featured in most major libraries. Due to her rather reclusive lifestyle, she still struggles to keep up with popular genres and only earns just enough to keep her business running and herself content. She feels the need to reach out, but the old fear of being the odd one out holds her back.

Parents – Thunderclap (dad) and Windforce (mom) are two of Cloudsdale's best weatherponies. That said, they're very busy and rarely see Wickedquill simply due to time and distance. Usually she visits them when she has the time and resources and they maintain a loving relationship.

Cutie Mark Story – After a few days of having trouble keeping the younger ponies and foals she foalsat calm or happy, she got the idea to start telling them stories when her brother pointed out how consumed she'd get while reading a book. She stayed up night after night writing new stories to tell the young pegasi and soon enough be a favorite foalsitter for most of them. One night, she fell asleep in the middle of a story and when she woke up, she had her cutie mark.

Flaws – Wickedquill is most easily described as socially awkward, having been consumed in her books and stories most of her young life and finding herself too busy with her shop to get out often. That said, she's also very naive and gullible, tending to fall for bad jokes or being the target of mean pranks and often times not really understanding why. She also takes even harmless pranks or jokes very seriously, taking words made in jest to heart and crying about them later or mulling over and hating a prank for weeks, building up a spiteful grudge.

Personality - As inexperienced as she is in worldly things, Wickedquill makes up for it in booksmarts and knowledge gained from old lore. If she ever has an actual conversation with someone, she tends to showcase this having integrated large and complicated words into her normal speech. In day to day life, she's caring, thoughtful, and generally quiet since most of her life circles around writing, it takes up most of her time. She knows she should get out more, but has been afraid to simply take that first step due to contentment in her current lifestyle and the old fear of being the target of cruel jokes and rumors.


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