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Sugar Hearts FINAL


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Roleplay Type: Equestria Roleplay

Name: Sugar Hearts

Sex: Female

Age: Young Mare

Species: Earth Pony

Coat Color: Pastel Pink

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Pink with very light pink highlights. Her mane tends to be slightly wavy and her tail is kept neat. She also usually wears a blue bow in her mane.

Eye Color: Sky Blue

Cutie Mark: A chocolate cupcake decorated with strawberry icing and small sugar hearts

Physique: Very average. There is really nothing special about her physique.

Origin: Trottingham

Occupation: Baker

Motivation: To supply ponies with delicious and heartwarming treats


  • Baking
  • Frosting
  • Pink
  • Flowers
  • Smiles
  • Happy Ponies


  • Sad Ponies
  • Souffles
  • Hard Boiled Eggs
  • Bossy Ponies

Character Summary:

Sugar is a very friendly, but soft-spoken pony. She enjoys quiet activities such as baking, reading, and relaxing at home. She is very motherly, and tends to act as the voice of reason to her friends. She grew up in the kitchen of her grandmother where she learned how to cook and bake. Her grandparents raised her in a small house in Trottingham. They never owned a formal shop, but still had good business.

When she was old enough she started to help out, and flourished. She invented many new recipes, and perfected her grandmother’s. Her favorite recipe to make was a cupcake she named the “Strawberry Dream”. It is a chocolate cupcake with a whole strawberry baked inside, and strawberry frosting; as you can guess, this soon became the number one item being requested by customers.

Developing this wonderful recipe gave this gentle pony her cutie mark. She worked for weeks, and had many failures; but when her testing resulted in success, she felt a tingling on her flank as her cutie mark appeared. She then knew that creating treats for other ponies was her special talent, and she has more than embraced it since.

She and her very special somepony have been looking for opportunities to leave Trottingham recently, but nothing has really come up, so she remains helping out their grandparents at home and waiting for Night Sky to return from his jobs around Equestria. She longs to open her own bakery in a smaller town, and is very tired of city life.

She often misses her parents, but remembers that she will see them again. They're travelers who are living among the zebras, and studying their culture. They send letters often, and she saves every one. Sky helps her carry on, and she doesn't know what she would have done without him growing up. He had been her best friend until they started dating, and now she excitedly waits for him to come home as often as he can.

Sugar Hearts:


Cutie Mark:


Images updated 5/27/12

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The application feels pretty solid; I just have one real question regarding it:

She and her very special somepony have been looking for opportunities to leave Trottingham recently, but nothing has really come up, so she remains helping out their grandparents at home and waiting for Night Sky to return from his jobs around Equestria.

Why does she want to leave Trottingham? If she could, where would she go and why? It sounds like a major potential plot hook, so it is certainly worth exploring in more detail.

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