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Night Sky FINAL

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Roleplay Type: Equestria Roleplay

Name: Night Sky

Sex: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Coat Color: Deep Blue

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Smoky Gray with a Dark Gray streak. His mane and tail are always windswept from flying.

Eye Color: Indigo

Cutie Mark: A large yellow star surrounded by four smaller yellow stars. It represents him being surrounded by friends.

Physique: Sky is slightly shorter than normal, and isn’t especially strong. He is built for speed, not work.

Origin: Cloudsdale

Occupation: Weather Pegasus

Motivation: Finding ponies he can be himself around


  • Flying
  • Racing
  • Star-Gazing
  • Making Real Friends


  • Hot Days
  • Waking Up Early
  • Fake Friends
  • Ponies who put other Ponies Down

Character Summary:

Sky was born to a pair of weather pegasi in Cloudsdale, and was named after the wondrous night sky that was overhead when he entered the world. He was always a sweet little foal until he started to attend flight school. He was mocked because of how small he was, and he soon learned how to put up a tough front to keep other ponies from messing with him. Unfortunately, it is hard for him to be vulnerable around others now, and he never really feels comfortable with anypony but his parents and his very special somepony Sugar Hearts.

He is one of the ponies in charge of transporting clouds from the factory to the various cities of Equestria. Because of this, he has seen almost every major town and city the country has to offer; yet because of his travels it is hard for him to bond with anypony. The thing he craves most is a group of friends who truly understand him, and can see through his rough and tumble disguise.

On his first trip to Trottingham, he met a filly a little older than him who was helping her grandmother bake delicious treats. He immediately was charmed by the gentle and soft-spoken pink pony, and every time he returns to that particular city he visits her. Since she was so busy working, the poor little filly didn’t have many friends, and it was actually Sky who showed her true friendship. This is how he obtained his cutie mark; by discovering that if he let his walls down, he had a talent for making lifelong friends.

The little filly has now grown into a beautiful young mare, and she and Night Sky have begun to date. They hope to wed soon, but want to move away from the bustling Trottingham before they tie the knot. Because of his wonderful relationship with Sugar, he has grown more confident in himself, and only goes back to his ‘tough’ self when he is uncomfortable in a situation.

Night Sky:


Cutie Mark:


Images updated 5/27/12

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