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Looking for a Pony Place to Belong


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About Myself: I got my undergraduate degree in English, with an emphasis in Professional Writing, and I freelance edit in my free time. I work at a pharmacy, and I love my job. I've been married for almost 6 years to a wonderful husband; yay for the power of love and friendship! I live on the East Coast of the US.

I play the piano, clarinet, and tuba.

I'm a hoopy frood who really knows where her towel is at.

How I found Canterlot.com: Found it from a google search.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I saw ponies a lot on cheezeburger.com, so watched an episode and became part of the herd.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
I have never roleplayed online before, but am willing to try. I've done several pencil-and-paper rpgs such as D&D, Exalted, and GURPS.

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Cold cup of Hot chocolate?


Anyway, an English degree with a emphasis in Professional Writing? I hope that works out well for you. :)

Welcome to Canterlot! :D

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Yay clarinet. :D I've always liked the instrument, and just bumped up to first chair in my band. Welcome to the site, and hope to see you in the RP area. A freelance writer should have no problem fitting in.

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