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About Myself: I am just some dorky chick who loved to be crafty/arty and RP

How I found Canterlot.com: I found these forums by randomly poking around google for MLP RP.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I became a fan since the first airing! I found ponies in general a few weeks before airing when I went to NYComicon and they had huge ads at the Times Square Toysrus

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash

Hello everyone! I found these forums through a random google search and it looked really great!

I am a seasoned RPer and would love to find some fun threads or partners to play with on IM or in forum through here!

I love making original characters though I will play as my ponysona Mysti.

Originally Dash was my favorite pony but I personally feel in season two they made her too ... well to be pg tsundere. Which isnt bad but now my fav personality type. AppleJack and Rarity became favs though!

But um ... Yeah thats it! If you are a seasoned RPer or are willing to learn I would love to play with ya!

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I guess it is my tradition already to greet mainly ones who favorite Rarity. Although there are just SOME exceptions, of course.

Greetings and welcome to Canterlot!

It's always a pleasure to see that RPers group grows bigger and bigger.

Enjoy your stay, meet you at the fields limited only be the boundaries of your imagination, and sometimes not even by that!

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Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy your time here and I hope to see you in the RP area eventually!

I love your avatar and I hope to eventually get to RP with you!

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Howdy hello and welcome!

Trying to say hello to all the other newcomes- Newcomer myself! Also somewhat of a Roleplayer, done so for a coupe years now, but always -always- looking to learn from a seasoned pony such as yourself, so it would be wonderful to chat sometime!

You'll enjoy it here! Everyone smothers one another with love and tolerance. See you about!

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