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About Myself: Well, I'm a brony from Arizona. I go to college at UAT, where I study Game Programming, which is even more fun than it sounds. I work part-time teaching Karate to small children, and in my spare time, I play video games, usually old-school Pokemon or Final Fantasy.

How I found Canterlot.com: Actually, I'm only here right now because a friend led me to this: where some poor guy is having trouble with his dad and stepmom about being a brony. I'd love to help him out. Now that I'm here, though, I'll definitely check out the rest of the site!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Some guys at my college were really into it. I wasn't sure that they were being serious at the time, but eventually, since they were such cool guys, I gave the show a chance. The rest is history.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle
Of course I like ALL the mane cast ponies, but these are the ones I love right now. Even more than those ponies, though, my favorite pony is Applebloom!

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Thank you, Winter! Yup, I mean the deal with Thoth.

I've been wondering for a while, if I were a pony, would my cutie mark have to do with programming or Karate? It's not like those two really go together. Also, I'm not sure if either of those skills would make me a unicorn or earth pony. Frankly, I'm in the middle of a pony identity crisis. Not a bad place to be, all things considered...

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XD Yeah, thanks. I first came up with it as my Neopets name when I was, like, five! I've just held onto it ever since. Eventually I'll have to get myself a respectable, adult email address, but today is not that day.

Also, this rank system is very clever! I especially like how banned members get a Luna cutie mark. It's sad, but kind of funny. I don't remember where "Crazy oatmeal" is from, though. Pinkie Pie must have said it at some point, but what episode is that from?

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Welcome to the forums! Have an excellent time here!

"Love is a power, love is a glory, love is a melody we all can sing!" from the vocal track of eight melodies from the Mother soundtrack CD. But I digress.

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Not in C++ though. Once I got polymorphism down, I decided that it was time to swear off programming and appreciate it from a distance. And I don't need anything more sophisticated than MS Excel calculations for my current job.

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