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Radiant Chord [Final]

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Roleplay Type: Equestria Main RP

Name: Radiant Chord

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye Color: Bronze with silver flecks

Coat Color: Bronze

Mane/Tail Color and Style: Her mane is rather long in the back, though she has short bangs that curl up slightly at the ends on either side of her eyes, parted down the middle. The rest of her mane is kept tightly braided when she puts on a classical performance, but completely loose the rest of the time. Her tail is a bit longer than the norm, and she doesn't allow it to be decorated for just about anything, which has the unfortunate side effect of making it look a bit 'wild' from time to time. Both are a shade of bronze a bit darker than her body, and streaked through with gold.

Physique: Taller than average for a Pegasus, her shoulders are slightly more developed than the norm, giving her a somewhat imposing look.

Cutie Mark: The black outline of a piano with a white segno imposed over it. (Picture of a segno here: http://upload.wikime...Music-segno.png )

Origin/Residence: Manehattan

Occupation: Musician, trained on the piano but versed in all key-board-based instruments.

Motivation: To get her name known all across Equestria, so that she can hold concerts all on her own, and generally uphold the family tradition.

Likes: Music (Classical, Techno, Modern, pretty much all kinds), being adored by fans, and thunderstorms

Dislikes: Silence, not being known by others, and rainstorms without thunder and lightning.

Character Summary:

Born into a family collectively known as "The Arts", it was destined that Radiant would become another famous, or at least good, artist. It didn't matter if it was in music or literature, painting or sculpting, or any other branch of Art. But as every pony in the family had found their special talent in one of the branches of Art, it was taken as a given that Radiant would follow in their hoofsteps.

Given her first name at birth due to the color of her coat and the way it seemed to shine, Radiant went through her early life with just the one name. Within her family that was the norm, every pony got their second name when they discovered their special talent and their cutie mark, so that it could match their skills. And given that the family employed personal tutors and rarely let their children off of the estate, this was never much of an issue. Sure, Radiant heard a tutor occasionally remark about how being given only one name at birth was a bit odd, but those tutors were soon found missing when Radiant would go to lessons, another pony having taken their place.

Her early years followed a very strictly managed schedule, her life consisting of lessons in painting, lessons in musical composition, lessons in just about everything that would help her discover her special talent, assuming it was related to the family tradition. All of this was mixed in with obligatory social showings, parties thrown for the sole purpose of introducing her and her siblings to Manehattan, and occasionally Canterlot, high society. It was at one such event, while she was still just a young filly, that Radiant discovered her her special talent. Having proven terrible with any instrument that didn't involve keys of some sort, her tutors thought it would be good to have her give a public performance, thinking that doing so would be just the push she needed to discover her cutie mark. Her parents had agreed.

Being led out to the small stage set up for the event, Radiant was visibly shaking, terrified of failing in front of the gathered ponies. The few first notes she played crashed horribly, making everypony wince from the sound. Looking out at the crowd, eyes wide with terror, she managed to catch sight of her older sister, who gave her an encouraging grin. Taking a few deep breaths to help steady herself, and failing miserably at doing so, Radiant tried again. And just like her last attempt, this one also began as a crash of conflicting chords. Screwing her eyes tightly shut, she pushed herself on, the sounds shifting and blending. From her first, terrible attempts arose a halting melody, as beautiful as it was haunting, almost seeming to echo the chaos that her first attempts had dissolved into. The song shifted and built, growing louder and deeper and more insistent, until suddenly, with one piercing note, it dropped back to the haunting melody it had started as. The melody began to trail off, and Radiant decided to end it as she had accidentally begun it, with a crash of bone-shaking sound, though this time it was as a carefully controlled imitation of chaos.

As the crowd of high class ponies had stared transfixed at her, they had watched her cutie mark fade into view. When the song ended there was a moment of pure silence, not even the sound of an in-drawn breath. And then suddenly the room broke out into a round of thunderous applause, the gathered ponies pounding their hooves into the ground in their approval. When the applause had died down, her parents stepped up onto the stage, granting her her second name of Chord.

After another day of celebration, in honor of Radiant Chord discovering her cutie mark, her life became, if anything, even more institutionalized. The lessons continued, now focused on the piano, and eventually spreading out to experiment with other key-boarded instruments. It wasn't until after she became a mare that Radiant was allowed off of the family estate for more than performances or high class balls.

Finding that there's more to life than just her music, and finally free to properly stretch her wings and see the world, Radiant Chord is eager to explore the newly revealed world of Equestria, much to the dismay of the care-takers she's been assigned by her parents.


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Hmm... at the moment, there isn't. I shall fiddle with the pony creator for a bit, see if I can get something to work out. That will be a stand-in, however, until I manage to draw an acceptable sketch of her and figure out the arcane secrets of the scanner.

When I get either of them working I'll add them as attachments to the main post, so as not to clutter up this thing.

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