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About sleeps

  • Birthday July 21

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    Smoky Mountian
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  1. sleeps


    No, bad Kyubey! No, I don't want a contract! Go sit in the corner!
  2. sleeps


    Is it homura from madoka magica?
  3. sleeps

    Elssir sketches

    butt tattoo hah. I'm surprised he didn't say tramp stamp judging by his description.
  4. sleeps

    Inkbrand the Punk

    @nightlymoon maybe even a couple stallions too...... But that is a very cute design. If I was a pony I would wolf whistle at him for doing his tail and mane in such a cute way.
  5. sleeps


    My what an interesting pony. Though that chain wrapped around tail looks a little...erm....odd. (where is it going to loop like that? 0_o)
  6. Not sure what ya mean. But sorry about last night as I started replying my internet crashed.
  7. I'll be adding my response here in a minute or so.
  8. You said that Rarity noticed a note on the door. That is implying that my character went to the door when in my post she went around back to see if fluttershy was out feeding her animals. That means that you basically ignored what I wrote and made rarity do what you wanted even though I didn't agree to that. That is pretty much God modding in a nut shell. So yes you need to change that. Also you do have a character. Twilight is your character. You can have her set up the picnic area or leave to go look for the others.
  9. That's still god modding. If you take control of a persons character without their consent it is god modding/ Meta gaming. Rarity will meet up with the group soon. For now just focus on your own character.
  10. Hey storm chaser can you please change your last post so that you are not God moding/ meta gaming with my character?
  11. Well I guess my main question would be is she a unicorn or a pegasus because she has dark magic coming from her eyes which wouldn't happen if she wasn't a unicorn.
  12. That sounds good. I guess we will be starting in Ponyville. Maybe during some kind of event?
  13. This pony. Promontory is always seen with three other ponies (Evening Star, John Bull, and Caboose) either pulling a train or pulling a cart thus the name given to the group is the train ponies. (Spoiled due to size) Anyways I guess this is gonna be our Out of character discussion area?
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