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Hi! I'm Misty StarBright.


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I'd like to introduce myself.

I am from Fillydelphia, but I decided that Ponyville could be better for the type of pony I am.

Boy, was I wrong. I'm the type of pony that needs her space, and doesn't like making new friends. Since Ponyville was small, I decided to go there. But, some Pink pony threw me a huge party in the house I was trying to keep clean. I didn't lose my temper, but I was a bit upset. At least she promised to clean everything up. After that, I just moved on with my life. Every day was the same, and I liked it that way. I would just happily type away, until one or another book of mine was finished. Then I would start on another one. Honestly, the writing takes me places that are beyond my reach, and I just love it.

I did manage to meet a few ponies I knew throughout high school and middle school who just so happened to move to Ponyville. I was super loyal to them, and maybe just a bit overprotective. But thats the way I am.

The writing was never enough, as I wrote long novels that many ponies didn't buy. I did manage by foalsitting, though, even if I never really liked kids. I ended up loving them, though, but I hated the little punks who would knock me down on purpose or graffiti everywhere. This did happen once, and it was horrible...

I was carrying my groceries, on the way home. I walked past the schoolyard, ignoring my surroundings. I was too busy thinking of the next chapter of my book. I heard crying, and I looked over.

There was a colt, cornering a little lavender filly with blonde hair.

He was laughing, and saying, "You're mum is a retard. Looks like it rubbed off on you."

He reached his hoof back, and was about to punch her. I screamed, "STOP, YA LITTLE PUNK!"

He looked at me, and snapped, "WHATRE YOU LOOKIN AT?"

I said, "A little, insecure punk who doesn't know how to handle his anger."

"Yeah? Well I'm about to not be able to handle my anger again!"

He walked up to me, sneering.

I couldn't hit a foal, could I? He's just a little punky kid. But...what could I do?

"Kid, one more step, and you are in for it."

He spitefully took another small step and grinned. I stomped and screamed as loud as I could.

The kid ran away. I went to the poor, lavender foal and asked if she were alright. I wiped her tears away, and saw she had blood on her knee. I took a bandaid, a water bottle, and a hanky out of my saddlebag. I put the water on the hanky and wiped away the blood on her knee. The foal cringed.

"It's alright. It will only hurt for a moment," I said, with the hanky in my mouth. I put the bandaid on and walked her home. Derpy, her mother, was very grateful and thanked me, in tears. I just smiled at them, and said it wasn't a big deal. I went home, my heart warmed up.

Edited by MistyStarShine
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Hey there! Looks like your eager to get started Roleplaying!

Might I suggest that you start out by checking our Free for All section (no app required). And when you feel ready, write up an application and try for the World of Equestria section.

Welcome to Canterlot, and I hope you enjoy yourself here! :fhappy:

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