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Goldgum - Introduction


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I don't introduce myself very well, but anyways...

My internet name is Goldgum.

I've been addicted to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic since summer 2011. I believe everypony is awesome, so I will not answer the usual 'favorite pony' question. I don't do art, but I'm good at writing. In fact, I've read Fallout: Equestria and I am currently making a fanfiction inspired by it which you can find here. I live in the Philippines. I discovered Canterlot when I got bored and searched for pony roleplay.

So, yeah. That's my introduction. I want to be a great part of this community! :D

Edited by Goldgum
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Welcome to Canterlot! We've got plenty of RP goodness around here to enjoy, so you've definitely come to the right place for that! :D

Welcome to the forums!

Welcome to canterlot. Hope you have fun!

Thanks guys! :kissy:

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