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About Myself: Hello, I'm Kwa, I love to draw and animate, I currently reside on the east coast of US

How I found Canterlot.com: I heard about Canterlot.com from tumblr, I don't remember the person I heard it from though

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I've actually always been a fan of the 80's MLP, and when I found out about MLP:FiM, I first watched "Over a Barrel" and was hooked immediately

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle
Hehe, I actually got kind of confused trying to start this introduction topic, I didn't know if I should've written the info in this box or the top three, so I just decided on the top three.

I was hoping, as an artist, that I could be able to take scenes from RPs and draw them out(and I'll ask them if I can draw their scene if they could lend character designs)and practice on backgrounds, expressions, poses, and whatever else, if it would be alright to do though

I hope everyone accepts me!

(and I also hope I don't forget about this place in 1 week like I do every other forum/community I try to join)

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Oh my word, your avatar is very amazing, I hope you did the art for it cuz DANG!

Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy your stay here and take your time to get used to the community.

Trust me, we don't bite! (much...)

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Oh, ah, It seems I did forget about this place for a day or 2!

And everyone seems to love my avatar!

Yes I did indeed draw it, thanks for all of the compliments!

You can find lots of my other pony art from over the years and you'll see how much my style changes on my tumblr: http://kwa-pony-doodles.tumblr.com

Usually I just post doodles, barely any finished or colored pieces

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Oh, ah, It seems I did forget about this place for a day or 2!

And everyone seems to love my avatar!

Yes I did indeed draw it, thanks for all of the compliments!

You can find lots of my other pony art from over the years and you'll see how much my style changes on my tumblr: http://kwa-pony-doodles.tumblr.com

Usually I just post doodles, barely any finished or colored pieces

Well, we have the Gallery and the Art Discussion that you might enjoy.

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